Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What if McCain had said that?

I'm sure Barry's just tired.

But he did say he wants more Arabic Speakers in Afghanistan

"If they are all in Iraq, then its harder for us to use them in Afghanistan."

Link has video, and points out that in Afghanistan they speak Dari and Pashto.

Here's another article on Barry's slip.

Again we "hope" it's a slip. Otherwise... he's a total knob, but what are the chances of that?

I'm sure it's just a slip of the tounge, and doesn't show an actual ignorance of the issues. It's like when Barry sliped up and said there were 57 states

As that link notes, Barry's campaign had just said that McCain was "losing his bearings."

So remember whenever Barry or his people say somethign about McCain, Barry has his own memory slips.

Barry's also got his own laundry list of issues.

On the lighter side. Here's Hillary on "It's Time to Call it Quits"

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