Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Again On Palin and Obama.

Victor Davis Hanson on what Palin means to the Dems and why they're attacking her so forcefully.

Read it all, but in short, they're scared. They have no idea what she is and how to substantially deal with her.

Michele Catalano has some thoughts on the latest avenue of attack.

Privacy? Don't bet on it. This is a whole fresh pile of mud for the left to start slinging. They'll attack Palin's family values stance, talk about how Palin teaches abstinence, and start trotting out the hypocrisy meme. Except this is not Palin who is the unmarried, pregnant teen. It's her daughter. It's not particularly shocking when a teenager does something against the parents' teachings, is it? If we were to call out every parent who taught abstinence from sex, smoking, drugs, or drinking then had a kid indulge in any (or all) of those, we'd be here all day.

The fact is, the left is all about privacy in the matters of the womb. Were they to stay true to their colors, this mantra of theirs would seem to preclude them from judging Bristol's pregnancy and her choice to keep her child, right? It will be interesting to see how this plays out. The Kos kids and their blog followers have already made one attempt to ruin this girl's life. Now that they have a story with actual truth behind it, we'll have to sit back and see how far they run with a teenager's identity.

Let me make it clear: there are many things I don't like about Sarah Palin. We are ideologically opposed on numerous issues. Her stance on creationism and her pro-life zealousness are just two examples. Two big ones. There's the fact that McCain chose Palin for VP after meeting her only once; I'd like to think that more thought goes into the process than the need to find a conservative woman for your ticket. I'm naive like that. But the last two days of mudslinging against Palin have been so extreme, they have transformed her into an almost sympathetic figure in my eyes. More important, the barbs thrown at her have made me look upon liberals with a level of contempt I have not felt since, well, 2004.

If I'm rushing to the defense of a woman whose core ideologies I oppose, then something pretty bad must be going on. And that something smells like a pungent mixture of hypocrisy and desperation.

One does not need to agree with someone's politics to find false charges and smears against them and their family to be despicable. In fact, if the target's politics are a factor in whether or not they deserve your sympathy... well doesn't that just say what kind of person you are?

What's really interesting here is the prying into Palin's personal womb space. I thought that was off limits? Isn't that part and parcel of the whole lefty oath that "one should never invade the sanctity of a woman's womb or what she does with it"? Now somehow it's okay to question one woman's uterine activity.

James S. Robbins has some notes.
It's interesting that Barack Obama is publicly making the argument that he has more political experience than Sarah Palin. Why does the top of the Dem ticket feel the need to run against the bottom of the GOP ticket? It diminishes him. And by stressing experience as a metric, isn't Obama setting himself up for the inevitable losing battle of his time in office versus John McCain's? Anyway wasn't this election all about "change?" Didn't Hillary lose the nomination by stressing experience? They must really feel threatened by Ms. Palin.

Jonathan Adler points that the experience issue is not just Palin and Obama. He looks at Dean, Edwards, and the latter Bush.

Obama keeps pushing the "Former Small Town Mayor" theme.
That'll turn on him.
It's like saying Obama has no federal experience because he's merely a former Illinois State Legislator.

Ace of Spades has some more thoughts on the avenue of attack being made by a Former community Organizer.

I do love the insinuation that running for president somehow qualifies him to be president. If that's the case, then he's perhaps the best-qualified candidate ever, because running for president is basically all he's done since entering national politics.

It's really quite revealing that Obama is forced to ignore the office Palin currently holds in order to make the case he's more experienced.

There's also the delicious irony of the Presidential Candidate trying to favorably compare himself (and failing) to the opposition's vice presidential pick.

We now know far more about Sarah Palin in just four days than we've learned about Barack Obama in 17 months. That is just sad. It's a pathetic reflection of the mainstream media's unwillingness to do their jobs for fear of finding stories that would hurt the candidate so many of them openly desire to win.

And shows that Obama has not be vetted. Giving lots of speeches in the media eye does not count, especially if the media plays along and refuses to ask tough questions.

Of all the churches in Chicago, why did Obama chose a church that espouses Black Liberation Theology? The doctrine was conceived by James Cone, based upon the rhetoric of the Black Panthers and Malcolm X and the civil rights movement. It is a radical religion primarily based upon the oppression of blacks by whites. How can Barack Obama make the claim that he is a post-racial candidate, when his entire religious focal point was one of bitter victimization?

Barack Obama knew Bill Ayers was a terrorist when they first met. Barack Obama knew that Bernadine Dohrn was a terrorist when they met, and probably knew she was a fan of Charles Manson's murderous cult as well. He still chose to work with Ayers in numerous groups in leadership positions, and the relationship was close enough for Obama to start his his political career with a fundraiser at Ayers' and Dohrn's home.

What makes it all the more fascinating is that Barack Obama will not refute his 21-year relationship with Bill Ayers and Bernie Dohrn. Barack Obama threw his own grandmother under the bus without a thought, portraying her as a racist for short-term political sympathy.

He tossed his friend and mentor Jeremiah Wright under the bus when it became politically advantageous for him to do so, then his church and congregation, and he hasn't looked back. Father Michael Fleger, the radical priest who advocated lynching a gun store owner, was also a friend of many years (at least 22) tossed aside by Obama without a look back.

But Barack Obama won't refute his relationship with American terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernie Dorhn. He refutes what they did, but makes a point of not assailing who they are or what they believe. Of all the people in his life that have popped up during this campaign, Barack Obama has shown more loyalty to these two terrorists that he has shown anyone else, including his own pastor, church, and grandmother.

This has to make the McCain/Palin camp smile.

The far left is now starting to fantasize that Palin will just go away.
It's amazing how much she scares them.

I've said before that Obama has kept himself above the Bristol Palin and related smears. Now Biden chimes in.

I sincerely hope that Obama's supporters take the same line as the campaign they desire to help has.
But I doubt it, some of these guys are too rabid to realize how repugnant this is or even pragmatic enough to realize that it will simply hurt Obama.

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