Saturday, September 6, 2008

More Traps

Ace of Spades shows yet another trap Obama has happily jumped into.

This is the man we want leading America-- a simpleton who becomes irrational and unbalanced when challenged by a woman, and continues falling into the trap of having a debate with McCain's junior officer, rather than his actual opponent for the presidency.

As Allah says, it's rather rich that Obama, who's requrested three-quarters of a billion dollars in ear-marks, including for his wife's hospital, which then coincidentally promoted her and gave her a ginormous raise, should be questioning the pork-appetite of a former mayor and governor.

I'm starting to wonder which it is.
1) Is Obama really this foolish?
2) Does he think this won't reflect back on his own Pork?
3) Or does he simply see a woman mocking him and have his vision go red?

I'm not knocking Obama for taking on a woman, mind you (although doing so is made especially problematic, given his dismissive treatment of Hillary in the primaries). I consider Palin his equal -- much moreso, actually, so it's not a question of "Mean Man picking on Poor Little Lady." Palin can take whatever this naive neophyte can dish out.

It's just... she... is... not... running... for President. But Obama is elevating her to the presidential level. So the race, it seems, consists of two candidates for president on the Republican side, and one weak, confused man on the Democrat side.

I'm starting to wonder what Obama's nextgaff will be in this.

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