Thursday, September 9, 2010

A difference of Givens

Roberta X takes on the latest, among many, Nanny State craze.

And yes, it's .gov telling you what to do, but it's not like that narrows it down. It's something that all the "right" states have and Indiana not doing it places them as an "island of regression".

Hmm... doesn't narrow it down either.

Oh fine, it's about smoking, in bars.


Bar owners -- and their customers, too -- are adults; the people who own those other open-to-the-public places are, too (and in the case of, say, bus stops, they kind of are The People). Why not trust them to make up their own minds? And if there's an outcome you'd rather see, Mssrs. Brown and Turner, why don't you try messin' with their heads from that bully pulpit you've got, rather than using the threat of fines and force?

Emphasis added.

The answer is clear, to the Nanny-statist, the common rabble are not adults, and therefore cannot be trusted with making up their own minds. It's because they cannot be trusted that force must be levied against them.

Somehow I think Roberta knows that.

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