Friday, October 29, 2010

A correction, and why criticism is good.

Previously I said some words alluding restricting gun rights to restriction of religion.

Here is a counter point. If I'm not presuming too much here.

After thinking about it I came to the conclusion: I was wrong, simplistic and wrong.

Yes, one can make the slippery slope argument that restricting 2nd amendment is like restricting 1st amendment, but that ignores that there is a slope. It ignores that there are degrees.

It would be like confusing Jim Crow with Slavery. Just because both are bad does not mean both are the same.

There is a difference between the government oppressing a person because of who they are versus oppressing them for what they do.

Just because both are bad does not make them both the same, and it is dishonest and insulting to presume and pretend that they are.

That's like saying income taxes are like rounding up the cattle cars.

So for this I apologize. I know I don't have many readers, but it is nice to know that I will get warnings when I go off the deepend.


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