Monday, July 14, 2008

And we get back to judgment

Rand Simberg has some comments on an article by Jennifer Rubin about some creative Resume Padding.
I was just listening to NPR in the car, and Terry Gross was interviewing Ryan Lizza on Fresh Air. He just had a long piece in the New Yorker about Obama's Chicago history. He was talking about the Rezko housing project problems, and he said that Obama didn't seem to be involved in the corruption, that the worst you could say about him was that exercised bad judgment.

Well, that in itself is saying something pretty bad, given that his claim to the presidency is that, while he may not have as much experience as his opponents, he has good judgment. But was his Rezko involvement good judgment? Was his attending a bigoted church for twenty years good judgment? Was it good judgment to pre-declare the surge a failure before it even began? So now it's hard to make a case for either his experience or his judgment.

Recent events have shown that Obama isn't a new politician as evidenced by his pandering and changing of opinions.

So take away the new politics, and the judgement... and what's left?

What does Senator Obama have?

Granted in this election not being a Republican will get him quite alot of votes.

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