Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A practical jet pack? Maybe.

A man says he has a better jetpack. One that can lase more than 60 seconds.

An older article on the limits of the current tech.

It looks like the inventor here had a workaround by scaling up the whole pack. Instead of something that you can wear as a backpack, he built a 250lb machine that you buckle into. By going heavier than a man-portable design (that is something a single person can carry), there's more margin for fuel. Note what may be a large fuel tank in the lower portion of the "jet pack".

This is a similar scheme that allows ultralight helicopters (essentially just a framework to support a seat, controls, fuel, and engine) to work, while helicopter "backpacks" are impractical and suicidally dangerous.

This also reminds me of the "powered glider" that's also in the works

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