Monday, June 9, 2008

Iraq, Iran, the Pentagon & Obama.

IRAQ: Kill Them All, Please
June 9, 2008: U.S. combat deaths (19) hit an all time low last month. This is the continuation of a trend that began a year ago. Iraqi deaths (532 civilians and security forces) were also the lowest this year, but indicate that the Iraqis have taken over most of the fighting, and were suffering over 96 percent of the combat deaths. The nature of the fighting has fundamentally changed in the last year, with the Iraqi security forces finally coming into their own, after years of recruiting, training and weeding out those who were inept, unwilling or disloyal.

U.S. troops now concentrate on mentoring Iraqi combat units, and going after key terrorist operatives (leaders, financial supporters and technicians). There are at least a dozen terrorist cells still operating, and all have to be hunted down.

Doesn't exactly sound like that old "No progress in Iraq" chestnut. Though the decreased media coverage may be a bit of a hint too, but good news doesn't get the ratings of bad news.

Related to the situation in Iraq, what would you call a person that doesn't change their opinion in light of new information?

Remember when people called Bush disconnected and ignorant for ignoring the changing (for the worse) situation in Iraq? And now that things are getting better...

LEADERSHIP: The Pentagon Gets Ready For President Obama

Here's a hint, it's not a good thing, remember change isn't always an improvement.
The Pentagon is getting ready for some fairly heafty cuts into their spending, but it's not like they'll have a war to worry about.

President Obama will make sure of that.

Well, maybe Obama wants a more "European" military model

MURPHY'S LAW: Peace Destroys the French Army
The French problem is a common one throughout Europe, where the post Cold War military is as seen more of a jobs program, to keep unemployment down, than as a serious attempt to maintain military power.

Also here's a primer about the situation in Iran.

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