Thursday, May 6, 2010

Crisis. Waste

So the guy behind Mayors against Guns. That has spent gobs of money trying on entrapment schemes in other states has an act of terrorism in the city he's defacto Mayor-for-Life in.

What does Mr. Term-Limits-Are-For-Suckers do when faced with a car bomb?

After he blames it on people against Obamacare.

Try to ban guns of course.

Drew M. has some thoughts.

"Convicted felons, domestic abusers and the mentally ill are forbidden from buying guns and explosives, but nothing in our laws keeps fanatics on the terror watch list from purchasing guns and explosives," Lautenberg said in his prepared testimony. "That is hard to believe -- yet, unfortunately, it is true."

Sounds sort of reasonable under you really think about it.

As of last year there were about one million names on the list. Nobody really knows why people are put on it and it's damn hard to get off it. There's also plenty of cases where the list is just wrong.

Seems Bloomberg (and Keith Olbermann, more about that in a moment) are on board with the idea the government should be able to take away people's rights simply by putting them on a list. I don't think they'd like that idea if say, George W. Bush were president and it was a right they liked. Hey maybe people on the list shouldn't be able to exercise their First Amendment rights and post to Youtube. Why no Youtube? It's a jihadi recruitment tool. Surely that's a danger too.

Now, I'm not a legal expert but I'm pretty sure the 14th Amendment mentions something about "due process" before taking away a person's rights. Again, not a legal expert but I'm thinking the mere act of the government putting your name on a list is not in fact "due process".

Notice that Bloomberg calls people on the list "suspects". Again, I wasn't aware that rights could be taken away from people simply because the government "suspects" you've done something wrong without any notice or opportunity for redress.

Emphasis added. The mask slips. You get put on "a list" and your rights get taken away. Deal with it.

It's like they don't think there should be any limits to the power of the state.

The left now stands for full rights for terror suspects, most of whom are not US citizens or on US soil and for the proposition that illegal aliens can't be required to produced documentation lest the chill of Nazism descend upon us.

They are however pretty excited about stripping Americans of their 2nd Amendment rights by administrative fiat.

Ah, charming. But hey what do you expect? Compare how the Tea Party is treated versus any Anti-War or Pro Amnesty, or Eco protest.

Bill Roggio tears into Bloomberg's tyranical ideas and offers this gem.

And, of course, the alleged Times Square bomber actually got on the plane. Bloomberg’s idea would do nothing to restrict gun crime or hijackings, endlessly hassle innocent people, and further advance the idea that certain parts of the Bill of Rights are optional if the richest guy in New York doesn’t like them.

Remember when the Left screamed Bush's "shredding of the Consitution"?

The cries that people's liberties would be taken away as part of some witch hunt?

That there would be McCarthy-esque enemies lists?

Well if you do remember you're a paranoid hatriot teabagger. Get with the program.

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