Remember how the left had paranoid fantasies of violence being committed by those scary Tea Party protestors? That those unhinged wingnuts would attack innocent public servants?
I can't help thinking of Yakov Smirnoff:
Leftwing fantasy America very different from real America. In
leftwing fantasy: you angry, entitled Wingnuts go out and attack
politicians. In reality: angry, entitled, politicians attack you!
Glen Reynolds reminds us: "The worst part about the Etheridge video wasn’t the assault — it was the sense of outraged entitlement."
This really is an example of "Know your place, serf" thinking.
And via Geraghty's Morning Jolt we have
this from David CodreaEtheridge displays the all-too typical attitude of a public "official" as opposed to a public servant. I can't help wondering if a belief that he can slap constituents around with impunity might be one of the reasons he's big on citizen disarmament, having been rated "F" by both the National Rifle Association and by Gun Owners of America.
Gee, someone that doesn't want the common rabble armed is perfectly willing to assault someone questioning him. It's like these things are all related!
And for fun here's some fun quotes from some leftwing rabble rouses that soundly approve of recording politicians, just in case they
do something that can be used against them.But wait... now that their political rivals are using these tactics....
It's all circle the wagons and blame the republicans.
Here the media not even
trying anymore.How does the Washington Post talk about a Congressman assaulting
someone peacefully questioning him? Geraghty explains:
The opening sentence? “So what really happened when Rep. Bob Etheridge ran into a couple of self-described ‘students’ on the streets of D.C. last week?”
If only there was video footage of what happened that could make it more than he-said-she-said. Oh, wait...
He continues:
In this news nugget, there is little or no description beyond ‘grabbing the wrist’ of one of the young men.
This is not even bias anymore; this is information management, designed to ensure those who pick up the print version of the Post never encounter what the blogosphere is buzzing about.
There used to be a time when people who read newspapers were the informed ones. (Or at least they could pass that way. Holodomor anyone?)
Though like Helen Thomas, Van Jones, Dan Rather, Nashville flooding, and many, many more, it's now the print readers that are the ones kept in the dark.
Clearly the problem with declining Newspaper readership is not enough FTC protection and bailouts.
People are finding out,
despite what the gatekeepers try.Rep. Bob Etheridge’s assault of student videographers clearly hit a nerve with the American public. The video of his attack was the most watched video on YouTube yesterday. How to explain that?
For months, the legacy media and national Democrats have struggled to convince the public that the Tea Party movement was a dark harbinger of violence. Yet, all acts of violence and intimidation have come from the left. We’ve seen-and reported-these events, but the Etheridge video encapsulated it better than any other. We have a political class. They don’t like criticism and have a general disdain for the American public.
How dare the rabble question them!
And all burying the story does is make the media look even more laughable, slowwitted, and clumsy.
When they're not being out and out duplicitous. Geraghty again with the
"Republican" Congressman.Meanwhile some in the media show just how broken their
moral compasses are.And the media is angry, not just that those two young men were "picking" on a Dem, but because they weren't "real" reporters, and they're livid at "ambush tactics" being used by commoners.
I guess ambush/inflammatory interview techniques — you know, what made 60 Minutes and Mike Wallace famous — aren’t to be used by the great unwashed everyday citizen-journalists.
Also follow the link to see yet more Leftists swooning at thuggery.
So have a representative of government physically assaulting a citizen peacefully questioning (since when did asking a politician if he supported his president's agenda become inflammatory?) him, and then you have said questioner who remains polite even when being manhandled
and assaulted... and the mass media doesn't even know who the "hero" is?
No wonder these goobers can't tell that the Soviet Union was up to no good or that the Jihadis might be a wee bit repressive. I mean they see an unhinged politician attacking a commoner for the sin of daring to question him and they can't figure out who's the bad guy.
And Geraghty is on fire today with even more fawning and support for the poor, congressman.
Go here for some chilling "Talking points"
This is a sampling of some of the letters in
support of Etheridge:
I’m very proud of the way my congressman, Bob Etheridge, handled being accosted by a pair of video muggers. We have the right to walk the streets in peace, without being accosted by cowardly little men who refuse to identify themselves. It’s good to see that Etheridge has the backbone to stand up for himself.
Rather than just being a talking head, Etheridge showed a human side that is actually quite endearing. Could it be he can actually empathize with the widespread feelings of anger going around these days?
I have watched the video of Rep. Bob Etheridge’s encounter with the video sneak attack several times on my computer. My best description of this video is that Rep. Etheridge acted “manly.”
I guess that I am a little old-fashioned, but I have always been taught that when someone accosts you on the street, will not provide identification and covers over his face that it must be either The Lone Ranger or a crook.
Again the left shows a worship of power and thuggery. They see a government official resorting to violence when faced with a questioning citizen and they react that the questioners weren't punished enough. They complain that Etheridge didn't use
enough of the power and privilege that comes with his position. It's not enough that he personally assaulted the questioner, no it's prison for those that dare question the State!
This is one step removed from cheering when Politburo sends soldiers in to crush a peaceful protest.
Geraghty continues: "Remember, there are Americans who believe that if you run into your congressman and ask him a question, the congressman has a right to not merely hit you in response, but to have you
arrested. And their vote counts every bit as much as yours."
It's interesting that the left approve the idea that you have to present identification if you want to question a congressman, but they're against that law in Arizona.
And of course it's the guy that was "assaulted" with a "loaded question" that might have been is the real victim here.
The creepy part is the swooning at thuggery. Consider: "Rather than just being a talking head, Etheridge showed a human side that is actually quite endearing."
Endearing. Endearing!
Or "I’m very proud of the way my congressman, Bob Etheridge, handled being accosted by a pair of video muggers."
Proud? They take pride in that?
They admire, admire!, a politician attacking someone who dares to question them.
Gee... no wonder the Left is so comfortable with despots.
It goes without saying how the Left would act if it were a Republican representative that had done this.