Wednesday, August 25, 2010

If they can't get the guns they'll get the bullets...

The EPA is "considering" changing an existing regulation. That way they can ban all bullets that use lead.

This is the country we live in, where unelected bureaucrats can heavily
restrict an enumerated right by fiat.

Yes, steel and tungsten and other metals are still available, but this will make shooting much, much more expensive, and will greatly reduce recreational shooting and price firearms ownership right out of many hands.

Which I'm sure is the attention. Can't have poor people thinking they've got rights.
And can't let someone have fun that is morally upsetting to our betters.

There you have it, no limited constitutional republic here. All three parts are being broken.

A related piece on how administrative agencies have been creating laws.

Separation of powers, what's that?

Allahpundit is more sanguine about things.

I could sit here for a week and not come up with an issue more likely to make already vulnerable House Dems wet themselves than this one, assuming that the EPA acts on it. Which, I’m guessing, they won’t.


The date the comment period ends? Two days before the midterms. Worst-case scenario here: The EPA announces the ban, thereby instantly causing a stampede of Blue Dogs from rural districts down Pennsylvania Avenue so that they can pass a bill overriding it. (If the ban comes next year, our new Republican House — and Senate? — will take care of it, natch.) Then it’s on to The One’s desk for signature, and rest assured, with his eye on 2012 and knowing that he’ll need western and midwestern states to win, he will sign it. Maybe even with a smiley face as the “O.” Damn, I love wedge issues.

To be fair, Obama has left firearms alone so far. So maybe he's got some sense of what's too self-destructive. However, note that this is all dependent on electoral backlash hurting the Dems for he EPA's totalitarian impulses.

So, it's certainly a reason to get out there and vote, at the very least.

Update: To be a bit clear I do think Allah's take is right on this one. This seems far too hot for the EPA to actually go through with it, and even if they did, it doesn't seem likely to stay enacted. For one thing there will be even more nullification, legal challenges, and people outright ignoring it.

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