Saturday, October 19, 2013

Ruger Single-Ten and Wolff Spring kit

Okay.  The Wolff 30oz spring kit worked wonders for my Ruger Single-Ten.    If you have one or any of the Ruger Single-Six family (or any Ruger single action) I'd strongly recommend you look into it.

The range officers at Iggle Crik agreed too.   Had a funny conversation too.

Range Officer 1:  Normally when I see someone roll their shoulders and knees and do the little "range" dance before they shoot they end up all over the place, but you were shooting real good, just one ragged hole.

Range Officer 2: *points to my 1911s*  Someone who bothers to put in custom 10-8 and Caspian flat triggers and puts the same trigger on their 45 carry gun and their 22 plinker gun and doesn't put in any other taticool crap tends to know what they're doing.

Range Officer 3: Yeah, haven't you seen him at the range before?

Course a bit before this conversation RO2 and I were talking about 1911  external versus internal extractors,  the fall of Kimber and trigger design.

Then RO1 had got behind the trigger of my Ruger and was impressed with the trigger pull.  That said, I'm real happy with the Ruger Single-Ten.  If you want a 22 single-action plinker revolver it will do.

It doesn't take much to really improve a gun. Mostly it's practice and working the shooter,   but there are a some mods and tricks that work.

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