William Kristol, in a splendid piece in The Weekly Standard, gets it just right. Palin is a frightening “spectre” to the Left precisely because she is everything they despise: “a working woman who’s a proud wife and mother; a traditionalist in important matters who’s broken through all kinds of barriers; a reformer who’s a Republican; a challenger of a corrupt good-old-boy establishment who’s a conservative; a successful woman whose life is unapologetically grounded in religious belief; a lady who’s a leader.”
Which is why Palin should cast herself as a leader first and a woman second. That's part of Jonah Goldberg advice to Palin: Hit the left-wing feminists
It also seems that Palin's reformer streak is what attracted McCain to her, and according to the Washington Post she was someone McCain had wanted for a while. That she was a woman was just icing on the cake, and that she was an attractive woman was a cheery on top.
I spoke to a savvy, politically connected friend yesterday who told me that MSM journalists were already packing into planes, trains, and automobiles to hie themselves thither to Alaska in order to prospect for the gold of D.O.P.–dirt on Palin. Well, good luck to ‘em. What the Clinton’s called (and, even more, what they practiced) “the politics of personal destruction” is never pretty. But I suspect that, like most gold prospectors of yore, they will come up empty handed in this case. The only thing I’ve heard is the story about her getting her unstable brother-in-law fired: not much there for the fourth estate, especially since Palin has been so cooperative with the inquiry that they haven’t even had to issue a subpoena.
In the larger sense, of course, it is a good thing for the public to learn more about Sarah Palin, her origins, her passions, her associates, her behavior as a young politician. The same scrutiny should be directed towards Obama, McCain, and Biden. I suspect most people will like what they discover about Sarah Palin. Will they like what they discover about Obama? How do you spell “Tony Rezko”? What do you know about Jeremiah Wright? Would you want your daughter–or your President–consorting with Bill “the bomber” Ayers?
I agree, go and investigate Palin's past. That's the job of the media. They're supposed to investigate and dig around.
But... will the same people eager to delve into Palin's past, be willing to do the same for Obama?
The reaction to Stanley Kurtz's investigation, seems to indicate some of Obama's supporters don't want that kind of balance.