Monday, June 29, 2009


Look how's now meddling:


Why did Obama decide to intervene on behalf of a “president” obviously abusing his power and to prevent the military from removing him once he started acting like a dictator? He didn’t put nearly that much effort into assisting Iranians who have gone into the streets and died to protest the mullahcracy that oppresses them.

And yet our president, acting contrary to American interests, chose the route of least resistance and condemned what many Hondurans believe was a restoration of constitutional order. The president will find himself in familiar territory with this condemnation - Castro, Ortega, and other Latin American leftist thugs also condemned the coup. Maybe someone could look it up but when was the last time we were on the same side with Cuba on any international issue?

We’re getting a close look at Obama’s priorities, and they’re hideously out of step with democracy and the rule of law.

Basically, after standing aside and saying he can't judge Iran, Obama leaps into action and snarls against the removal of someone trying to unconstitutionally declare himself president-for-life.


Hotair wonders:

At the risk of exploding what little right-wing blog cred I have left, I can’t believe The One would align himself with Chavez without some compelling reason. Even if you believe the worst conservative suspicions about him, i.e. that he’s some lefty dictator fanboy, the political price he’ll pay for doing this is too steep to justify it unless there’s a greater good he’s aiming at. Witness Drudge’s headline right now (“Obama lashes out at Honduras; sides with Chavez, Castro”) or Krauthammer in the clip [above] offering a useful rule of thumb for Latin America.

Barry’s going to eat a ton of shinola for this — but why? What’s the strategic benefit? Is he so focused on isolating Iran that he’s willing to take Chavez’s side on Honduras in order to peel him away from Ahmadinejad? If so, how does that affect Iran’s nuclear agenda? I don’t get it. The most likely explanation is that Obama’s simply obsessed with “repairing America’s image in the world,” and if that means occasionally taking the side of a Chavista stooge to prove he’s the anti-Bush, then that’s what he’ll do.

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