Thursday, March 27, 2008

My thoughts on politics.

Politics should be a pragmatic game, where you vote for the candidate that seems the least worse.

There is an alternative... to go for candidates that you emotionally like, and feel a connection too and have hope in. That seems risky to me. To delve into tautology: politicians are politicians.

They're all egotistical, opportunistic, and cheats.

The alternative, where you end up with a candidate that you really, really like, and have tremendous faith in, and feel he will change everything, and if he's someone you have a great personal attachment too...

Well, there's two options.

Either you're very Very VERY lucky, to have someone that matches what you think and is so great that he's everything you ever wanted.

Or.. you're a total fool, and you've fallen for the line your guy's fed you.

What are the odds that your guy is the one perfect and great politician?

Among other things, politicians are supposed to be charismatic. So, it's natural they get people under their spell.

But, I can still be worried about it. That's part of why I'm quite wary of BHO (and people like Ron Paul for that matter).

People shouldn't look to their political leaders as if they were anything more than politicians.

That's the irony. What I like about McCain (and Hillary! to a much lesser extent), is that the supporters don't seem to like them very much. The supporters just feel that their guy, or gal, is better than the other knobs.

I enjoy a candidate that is picked because he's the least bad choice. There isn't the sense that most of their supporters are a mass of rubes that have been snookered by a snake oil peddler.

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